Automated Document Classification: A No-Code, Expert-in-the-Loop Workflow

For emails, contracts, surveys, trouble tickets, meeting notes, and more.
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24 mins

A live webinar on auto-classifying business documents - at scale, with an expert in the loop.

John Norris, Head of Sales at HumanFirst, demonstrated two new strategies for teams analyzing their email corpus, contract history, sales calls, survey responses, and other business documents. 

To date, most teams have managed the auto-classify initiative in one of two ways. They've submitted an ask to their data science team, losing visibility of the project behind a Jupyter notebook and spending high-value resources on a simple objective. Or they've experimented with GPT analytics plug ins, losing visibility of the project behind an AI chat interface and arriving at a classification model they can't quite trust.

This best of both worlds approach gives teams a third option, combining the efficacy of data science with the efficiency of LLMs and putting the power in the business expert's hands. John covers:

  • How to wrangle large datasets of unstructured documents, like emails.
  • How to build a custom classification workflow that fits the business task.
  • How to analyze the organized documents, and auto-classify new documents as they come in.

You can watch the full session here, and download our step-by-step guide to see the full workflow.

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June 20, 2024
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John Norris
Head of Sales